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Music History Podcasts
Here are some recently curated podcasts in the genre
Music History:
The Bob Bain Archives
Bob Bain
If This Hall Could Talk
WQXR, Carnegie Hall
Metal Mayhem ROC: Your go to source for everything metal.
Vernomatic Productions
Once A DJ
Remote CTRL
The Excellent 80s Rewind
Gary Teel
Record of the Year
Ali El Okily -
Songcraft: Spotlight on Songwriters
Scott B. Bomar, Paul Duncan
90s NOW
Kelly Alexander & Sharon Hyland
The Jazz Violin Podcast
Matt Holborn
Grateful Dead
Friday I'm in Love
Sky Stone and Songs
AthCastMusic: The Music of Athens GA, Now and Then
Marlene Sokol Stewart
Radio Plato
The Inline G Flute Podcast
Gareth Houston
No Ma'am, Pam
West Wheeler
Nawet lubi musicale - podcast Teatru Syrena
Jacek Mikoajczyk
Pocket Symphony: A Beach Boys Podcast
Rosie Alejandrino & Krista Kurisaki
Memphis Flash
An Elvis Presley Podcast/With Brad Birkedahl and Mark Shaffer
Pod Like a Hole
The Beast With Three Backs
Erie Music History Podcast
Chip Schell