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Earth Sciences Podcasts
Here are some recently curated podcasts in the genre
Earth Sciences:
The Hot Potato Podcast
McCain Foods
Crazy Town
Post Carbon Institute: Sustainability, Climate, Collapse, and Dark Humor
The Weather Whys Podcast
The Weather Station Experts
Carbon Market Conversations: A Podcast by ICAP
The International Carbon Action Partnership
Discovering Dad
GZM Shows
Fossil vs Future
James Cameron and Daisy Nicholls
AstroGeo - Geschichten aus Astronomie und Geologie
Karl Urban und Franziska Konitzer
Environmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K. Boyce
PW Grosser
Environmental Finance Center Network
The Dr. Sky Experience
Red Apple Podcast Network
Het groene hart
Cut the Crop!
Foundation for Arable Research (NZ)
Climate Curious
Amplifier: An Undeniable Climate Emergency Podcast
Harold Moss
Talking Climate
The Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy
JC Weather
JC Weather
Storm Front Freaks
Storm Front Freaks Weather Chasing Tornado
Uma pedra no caminho
Caio Gabrig Turbay
Your Sustainable Friend
Your Sustainable Friend