MTG Pro Tutor - Insights, Tips & Advice from Magic: The Gathering Pros  

MTG Pro Tutor - Insights, Tips & Advice from Magic: The Gathering Pros

Author: Shaun Penrod talks tips and stories with professional Magic: The Gathering

MTG Pro Tutor is a top rated Magic: The Gathering podcast and here's why: professional Magic players and community notables share their origin stories twice a week (Tue & Fri) and impart actionable tips you can use the next time you sit down to play. Learn from the wealth of experience they've built through hours of practice and playing against hundreds of opponents and start seeing improvements in your own skill right away. Don't you hate feeling like you play and play and dont improve? Surrounding yourself with better players is the best way to level up and the MTG Pro Tutor podcast is your way of doing that. Subscribe if you want to take your Magic: The Gathering skills to the next level while hearing cool stories and getting actionable advice from the biggest names in the Multiverse.
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318: HUGE Announcement + Stop Over-Thinking with Michael Kundegraber (15th at Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica)
Friday, 4 January, 2019

Michael Kundegraber has been playing since 2000, back when rules consisted of semi-educated guesses and were always changed depending on whose parents’ kitchen table MtG was played at. Lately, he’s had some top results with a second place finish at Grand Prix Turin 2018 and a follow-up Top 16 performance at his first Pro Tour later that year. Michael lives in Vienna, Austria. Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Michael Kundegraber when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: First Set Planeshift Favorite Set Mirrodin Favorite Card Tahngarth, Talruum Hero Early Challenge Understanding the game at first was hard. Archetype matchups and other big-picture topics eluded Michael. He improved by playing matchups of the best decks with friends. Worst Magic Moment Playing for the top 4 at Austrian Nationals, Michael approached the match-up too confidently and played cautiously (even though he was favored to win). He lost and learned that you need to have a coping strategy. Find what works for you. Proudest Magic Moment Getting 2nd at Grand Prix Turin 2018. Biggest Mistake Players Make Overthinking. Players sometimes try to wrap their mind around too much of the game at once. Break down the situation into smaller chunks and address them separately. Parting Guidance Keep having fun while playing Magic. Magic Resource CFB, SCG, Magic Podcasts, Jim Davis Stream Connect With Michael Kundegraber Michael can be found in the MTG Pro Tutor Facebook group. Check Out Magic Story Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community. Listen to Episode 1 here or on  


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