Coffeepot Fellowship Podcast  

Coffeepot Fellowship Podcast

Author: Jay McNeal

Hear diverse leaders share their best and personal stories. We ask each guest for their story of biggest blunder or trial and about a happiest moment in their life. Every episode reminds us what it takes to be an accomplished leader. Bring your coffee or listen on the run. We'll deliver your daily pick-me-up.
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Genres: Business, Religion & Spirituality

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Coffee with Sarah Arthur 2018
Monday, 30 July, 2018

Sarah Arthur returns to the podcast as "A Light So Lovely: The Spiritual Legacy of Madeleine L'Engle, Author of A Wrinkle in Time" is arriving in stores. We laugh our way through episode #140 and back at episode #59. Sarah is the author of numerous books and resources on the intersection of faith and great stories. Her first book was the best-selling youth devotional, "Walking with Frodo: A Devotional Journey through The Lord of the Rings," followed by the award-winning "Walking with Bilbo: A Devotional Adventure through The Hobbit." She's also the editor of the literary guides to prayer series by Paraclete Press, including "Between Midnight and Dawn: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide" (Jan. 2016). Sarah is a graduate of Wheaton Collegeand Duke University Divinity School, she speaks around the country on the role of stories and imagination in spiritual formation. She lives in Lansing, Michigan, with her young sons, Micah and Sam, and her husband, Tom, pastor of Sycamore Creek Church. A Light So Lovelyincludes interviews with people who knew Madeleine, including movie producer Catherine Hand and Madeleine's granddaughter, Charlotte Jones Voiklis, who wrote the book's foreword. Sarah also interviewed other writers/thought leaders including Phillip Yancey, Jana Riess, Sarah Bessey and Madeleine’s longtime housemate Barbara Braver. Be sure to look into Sarah's website for fall 2018 activities, including a podcast, in honor of Madeleine's would-be 100th birthday. Use the hashtag #mymadeleinemoment to share your favorite Madeleine moments on social media. Also keep Sarah in the loop with @holydreaming #alightsolovely! Lastly, Sarah has just finished her first novel which she has been working on for 15 years! She is currently shopping it to publishers, so look for that in the future. LINKS: Sponsor: United Faith Leaders #121 Coffee with Deanna Thompson #136 Coffee with Patrick Beaulier Madcap Coffee Michigan State University Books by Madeleine L'Engle: A Wrinkle In Time The Glorious Impossible The Crosswicks Journals: A Circle of Quiet, The Summer of the Great-Grandmother, The Irrational Season, and Two-Part Invention Books by Sarah Arthur: Coffee with God: 365 Devotions to Perk Up Your Day Walking with Frodo: A Devotional Journey through The Lord of the Rings Walking with Bilbo: A Devotional Adventure through The Hobbit Between Midnight and Dawn: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide Light Upon Light: A Literary Guide to Prayer for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany A Light So Lovely: The Spiritual Legacy of Madeleine L'Engle, Author of A Wrinkle in Time


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