Doctors Serena and Orion - It's all about dogs and cats behavior  

Doctors Serena and Orion - It's all about dogs and cats behavior

Author: Doctors Serena and Orion

Dr. Orion, a veterinary behavior residency graduate, and Dr. Serena, pursuing veterinary behavior residency, talk about everything you need to know about animal behavior a training. Did you ever want to know if dog parks are good for your dog? We got you covered. Did you ever wanted to know if laser pointers is a good activity for cats? We got you. The doctors will share their thoughts and knowledge in a fun, funny, and easy to understand way, for all of you pet parents and pet professionals.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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Episode 07 - Diagnosing and treating separation anxiety in dogs
Episode 7
Monday, 1 April, 2024

How do veterinary behaviorists know that a dog has separation anxiety? And, how do they treat dogs with separation anxiety? Drs. Serena and Orion expose the secrets of the profession to help you help your dog.


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