The TPL Show  

The TPL Show

Think. Plan. Lead

Author: Dave Cahill, Luke Weber

Youre a leader in an organization that needs to do better. We share relevant, simple, and lasting methods for improvement that you can use to lead from any level, in any organization. Your hosts Dave Cahill and Luke Weber are improvement coaches who help organizations around the globe realize their visions by instilling an Intentional Culture. Join us as we share how our clients achieve excellence, discuss tools and methods, interview experts, and answer your questions. Contact us for more information - Visit our company website -
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Episode 17
Saturday, 20 January, 2024

What is Zoning?Zoning is a holistic system for ensuring that all items used in an enterprise can be engaged efficiently.Why is it important?• The Rational Reason - a well-organized enterprise that is “at-the-ready” to meet customer demand is an invaluable competitive advantage that can be achieved very inexpensively. • The Emotional Reason – Zoning is the management system that enables and safeguards 5S, and 5S is an essential platform, for the engagement and continuous improvement needed to achieve and maintain excellence.• The Tangible Reason – The direct value of Zoning is an improvement of overall performance by 1-2%. The systems it enables, such as 5S, Safety, Standardized Work, and Genchi Genbutsu improve overall performance by 8-12%.When do you use Zoning?Whenever you find it valuable to have a well-organized and at-the-ready workplace.Who uses it?Every member of the enterprise applies Zoning Principles.How do you apply Zoning to an Enterprise?1. Align Senior Leaders with the concept of Zoning.2. Make Zoning an Imperative.3. Establish Geographic Zones.4. Set Maturity Based Milestones for the whole facility.5. Initiate 5S and zone-specific projects.6. Embed Zoning into daily life to ensure sustainment.What are the Key Tools and Concepts?• Every square meter in the facility is owned by someone. • The enterprise is divided into Zones, and each Zone is owned by a Zone Steward.• The entire facility moves through the process together from general overall standards, to specific, work center standards, with no use of pilot-implementations.• Meeting Zoning Standards is an expectation of employment.• 5S is the method used to animate Zoning.• Zoning is sustained with the Relentlessness Techniques of Op-Ex.View the full WWH here: Zoning_WWH_full_2024


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