Speak English like a native speaker!  

Speak English like a native speaker!

Author: Wafa Damlaj

Hi there, this is WAFA. Do you want to learn new English words? I will share with you the most common idioms, slangs, and phrasal-verbs in American English. From episodes 1 to 35, you will learn 5 of each in just 4 to 7 minutes. From episode 36 on, you will learn 5 idioms and 5 phrasal verbs in just 4 to 7 min as well. I will start each episode by reading 1 passage with all-new expressions. Afterward, I will define each expression. This way, you will learn and enjoy all at the same time :D.
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Genres: Education, Language Learning

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Last Episode: Lesson 70: Advanced English Speaking / Idioms - Phrasal verbs
Episode 70
Monday, 6 March, 2023

I still remember the day I decided to START OFF this project. During one of the sessions with my English teacher, I expressed my concern about not knowing the meaning of the most common idioms, slangs, and phrasal verbs. She suggested that I use them in sentences in order to memorize them and fully understand their meaning. An idea suddenly CAME TO my mind. How about, instead of writing a single sentence for every idiom, slang, and phrasal verb, I would make it more challenging and write different paragraphs using them all. At the same time, I felt like if I really wanted to PUT IN all this effort to create and COME UP with new content, wouldn’t it be more exciting and worthwhile to share my work with the public? That’s why I TOOK THE PLUNGE and decided that podcasting was my go-to plan. I was committed to uploading 70 episodes in a 5 months period. Here I am AT THE END OF THE ROAD with 70 episodes published. I am really thankful that I GOT MY FEET WET and understood what life looks like with my own podcast to run. However, most importantly, this podcast wouldn’t have come to life without the help, support, and encouragement of my English teacher. She was the one BEHIND THE SCENES working with me to make this project happen. I want to take this opportunity to thank her and show a sincere appreciation to her for STANDING BY me during every step of this journey. Let’s CALL IT A DAY and I’m looking forward to hearing from you guys. What is your next plan to become fluent in English? Farewell.


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