Author: Los Alamos JJAB

A small but mighty nonprofit in Northern New Mexico, the Los Alamos JJAB strives to help youth -and their families- in our community feel connected, valued, and recognized. JJAB assists by providing individualized case management, parenting workshops and youth activities. The JJAB Buzz is your go-to for staying up to date on all of JJAB's programs, meeting members of the Los Alamos community, and hearing about the most helpful resources and happening events first. Views expressed by podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of JJAB and its employees.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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Brain Injuries with Kellen and Quinn
Wednesday, 8 December, 2021

Kellen and Quinn take us through a recent experience that taught them a lot about brain injuries and how they've grown from it. 


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