USfest: the democracy party! The 'Not me. Us.' podcast  

USfest: the democracy party! The 'Not me. Us.' podcast

Author: Brian

The usfest podcast is an unfettered exploration of (not me) us culture, hosted by blacklisted radio DJ Brian Bakunin & artist/wage-slave Suzi Bombchop. Our mission is to party progressives into political power, by amplifying voices who rarely break through the corporate news filter, exploring how music, art, comedy & culture *can and must* revive & transform democracy to save the world from fascist annihilation.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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Ep03 The Prophetic Pop Life of Prince w Professor C. Liegh McInnis
Episode 3
Saturday, 24 October, 2020

Jackson State University professor of English, author of “the Lyrics of Prince,” C. Leigh McInnis connects the literary genius and import of LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka) to the lyrical/musical genius and socio-political impact of Prince. Two progressive Prince disciples nerd-out on the piercingly conscientious lyrics of the leader of the 1980s anti-Reagan Revolution, one of the pantheon of musicians who inspired the congressional Parental Music Resource Center (PMRC), which devised the policy of labeling albums with Parental Advisory Stickers. Celebrating Prince’s trailblazing life of controversy, professor McInnis and I cut into as many pieces of the Prince pie as is possible during one podcast, using Prince as a lens to critically understand the 80s and 90s specifically, African American history more broadly, as well as the future of US race relations and how anti-racist whites can work to defeat systemic racism by understanding & supporting Black self-determination & Black sovereignty.


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