Program Podcast: Slavery - the Heart of American Democracy, a Hidden History of Slave Rebellion and the True Colors of Jeffer  

Program Podcast: Slavery - the Heart of American Democracy, a Hidden History of Slave Rebellion and the True Colors of Jeffer

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The Michael Slate Show - Slavery - the Heart of American Democracy, a Hidden History of Slave Rebellion and the True Colors of Jeffersonian Democracy
Tuesday, 14 February, 2012

Rasmussen, the author of "American Uprising, the Untold Story of America's Largest Slave Revolt" tells the story of this deeply covered up slave rebellion in 1811 - how it took shape, how it was fought, the savage repression against the rebellious slaves and it's significance for today. In an excerpt from his recorded talk on Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy Avakian talks about the myth of Jefferson's ideal society and the reality of slavery that provided its backbone and continues to influence and shape America as we know it today.


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