Season 3  

Season 3

Author: Megumi

In Season 3, focus on conversation and practical practice! It's quiz-style, so don't worry. Let's keep studying with me :)
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Language: ja

Genres: Education, Language Learning

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Episode 22
Saturday, 22 February, 2025

Welcome back to my podcast “こんなときのにほんご”.Hi! I'm Megumi! It’s great to have you tuning in!It’s the 222th time.キャプションには今回も英語を載せているので、日本語が聞き取れなかったりしたらたら参考にしてください!さて、今日はこんなフレーズです。空欄に当てはまる語句を選んでください。A:はっくしょん!You:風邪?A:ううん……今日風が強いでしょ…たぶんスギとかヒノキ……You:ああ、もしかして[    ]?A:そうそうYou:もうそんな時期かぁ!①アレルギー②花粉症③インフルエンザ正解は②。花粉症、です。日本以外の国ではあまり症状が出る方がいないと聞いたことがあるんですが、本当でしょうか?木や花の花粉などにより、私も目が痒かったり鼻水がとまらなくなるので、とっても羨ましいです。花粉症はアレルギーの一種ではありますが、日本人は花粉症、と病名で言うことが多いです。聞き慣れない人は、ぜひ覚えてください。That's all for today. Thanks for joining me today.Incidentally, this podcast will be updated every two weeks from this year, as I need to get on with my own learning.So the next one will be on 9th MARCH.Until then, おつかれさまでした! Bye!—— English ——I've put English in the captions again this week, so if you can't hear the Japanese or can't understand it, please use it as a reference! Here's a quiz. Please choose the word that fills in the blanks. ①アレルギー②かふんしょう③インフルエンザThe answer is Two!I have heard that not many people outside Japan have symptoms, is this true? I am very jealous, because I too get itchy eyes and a runny nose due to pollen from trees and flowers.Hay fever is a type of allergy, but Japanese people often refer to it as"かふんしょう", the name of the disease.If you are unfamiliar with it, please learn it.


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