Our Red Eagle Podcast  

Our Red Eagle Podcast

Author: Our Red Eagle

A product of Our Red Eagle (ORE), a publication dedicated to providing short and inspired answers to the most asked and discussed questions in Nigeria, this podcast takes the goal of Our Red Eagle further by inviting brilliant and knowledgeable commentators to discuss and generate insights on Nigeria's most pressing issues. Website: Socials: @ourredeagle
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Episode 2: The Battle for the Soul of Nigeria - Key Players and Issues in the 2023 Elections
Episode 2
Monday, 20 February, 2023

(Recorded on the 5th of February, 2023)  In this episode, we focus on the key players and issues in the upcoming election and address four critical questions on the minds of many Nigerians. First, we explore the question of whether people's votes will really count in the election. This has been a major concern for many Nigerians, given the history of electoral fraud and manipulation in the country.  Next, we take a cursory look at the three main forerunners in the election.  We then turn to the technology behind the 2023 elections. With the use of BVAS and other digital tools, this election is set to be one of the most high-tech in Nigerian history. We discuss the potential benefits and risks of this technology and how it could impact the outcome of the election. Finally, we address the question of whether this election is really a turning point for Nigeria. Will it lead to genuine political and economic reforms, or will it be business as usual?


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