Leader for Good: Old Souls on a Mission  

Leader for Good: Old Souls on a Mission

Author: B. Louise Schriewer

Hi friend, Do you feel like an old soul? If so, you are probably here to help bring about positive changes. So, let's talk about mission, meaning, and making a difference! :). Episodes are typically between 5-15 minutes so you can easily consume them on the go. You can find me at (weekly newsletter) and
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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I'm quitting! (Why and when it can be good to be a quitter.)
Episode 3
Wednesday, 13 May, 2020

In this episode, I share why "don't be a quitter" can be terrible advice and what we can learn from two top sports figures who took very different paths when it came to quitting.  Oh, and I reveal why I'm quitting this Podcast! (At least for perhaps saying I'm taking an indefinite pause is more accurate?) While I'm taking a step away from this weekly Podcast, I'm still planning to create a ton of content.If you'd like to stay in touch, please join my email list: Find this episode's show notes (and a bonus video) here: Follow me on Medium:


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