Nerd Roots  

Nerd Roots

Delve into the origins of Nerdy-ness!

Author: Nerd Roots

Nerd Roots is Ben Fullon and Kia Sayyadi, two extreme nerds who have an unabashed love for everything nerdy. Each episode we'll be delving into someone's nerd-dom, finding out what they first loved, why they loved it, what they love now and how it's shaped them as people.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Leisure

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Nerd Roots - Episode 7 - Robert Gonyo
Thursday, 26 February, 2015

We're back! We talk to Robert Gonyo, theatre director, actor, voiceover artist, and musician residing in Queens. We talk about his first musical loves, Lovecraft, and a whoooole lot of DnD!


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