

Author: GasCast

A podcast for anaesthetic trainees
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Season 3 Episode 3
Tuesday, 10 December, 2013

Better late than never, this episode was recorded a few weeks ago but remains nearly as relevant today, as it was then. In somewhat of Tramadol haze, Mark navigates his way through the main medical journals and poses some interesting questions concerning speciality guest appearances in ED and tobacco funded research, and imparts some friendly advice to Bex on her upcoming cycling tour. Frank does a Tomorrow's World spot and and gives us the low down on vehicular based patient monitoring, while Bex finds Anaesthesia News strangely 'uplifting'. For this month's journal paper, Rik looks at the year's biggest critical care news from the PROSEVA trial and learns how patient proning can lead to a relative risk reduction of 50% from ARDS mortality. For the first time ever, Bex is on the quiz master's chair for BorB and Frank gets burned by the unlikely tag team of a recovery nurse and a cardiology SHO.


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