The Independent Hoteliers ShowAuthor: Kush Patel
Welcome to The Independent Hoteliers Show, hosted by Kush Patel. This show is for hoteliers who want to learn how to generate business independently, break-free from the OTA dependence and achieve true independence. On this podcast you'll find a mix daily vlogs, #HotelWebsite101 series, interviews and hotel marketing secrets. I bring you interviews with successful independent hoteliers and people who contributed to hospitality industry to help you build a successful independent brand. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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15. The Guest Journey: The Key to Unlocking Direct Booking Success
Episode 15
Tuesday, 24 January, 2023
On this episode Kush talks about the importance of understanding guest journey to increase direct bookings and reduce dependence on the OTAs. Here are some amazing things you would hear in today’s episode: The importance of understanding the customer journey for independent hoteliers. How understanding the customer journey can help hotels increase direct bookings and reduce dependence on Online Travel Agents (OTAs). Practical tips on how to improve each stage of the guest journey, from the dreaming and discovering phase, to the post-booking phase. So listen here to Kush’s thoughts on how you can increase direct bookings by understanding your potential guest’s journey.