The Market.Sell.Win. Podcast  

The Market.Sell.Win. Podcast

Author: Julie Meegan

A resource for marketing and sales professionals to collaborate, learn, and grow.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Education, How To, Marketing

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Ask The Interviewer: How Do You Develop A SWOT Analysis?
Thursday, 25 March, 2021

Do you have complete command and knowledge of your companies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (a/k/a SWOT analysis) in the marketplace?  Have these been used to develop your marketing and sales tactics and strategies into messages which truly resonate with people whom you are trying to build business?  Strategies and messages which cause potential customers to stop and actually consider or ask questions about what your company says or does?  If not, then you might consider getting a small team together to contribute and work through their thoughts on your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (a/k/a SWOT analysis).  In this episode of Ask The Interviewer, we start to take apart the SWOT analysis and provide you with a roadmap or a process for conducting a simplified SWOT analysis to help uncover new marketing ideas and approaches, see strengths you haven’t seen before, and drive internal initiatives which lead to external improvements and increased market share among your potential prospects.  We’re glad you are a part of the Market.Sell.Win mission!


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