Suddenly podcast  

Suddenly podcast

Author: Brandon and Cameron!

Looking for a new podcast? Looking for something to laugh at? Looking for something just different in general? Why not try our podcast! Me and cameron, are two friends from high school, who just enjoy having a laugh. We have some pretty crazy stories, and some pretty awesome adventures together. Chances are you probably wont like it as much as wed like for you to, but lets be real, its only an hour of your life youll never get back! Hope you enjoy.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Improv

Contact email: Get it

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Tammy and flee - Episode 4
Episode 4
Wednesday, 21 August, 2019

This episode me and cameron talked about one of the funniest things that of happened to us, and that is the poor sad death of a bird. We also talk about some of the memories of the teachers we had in high school, and inform you guys on some new projects and some changes coming soon!


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