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Clutch ConversationsAuthor: Herp Collectors Network
Herp Collectors is a specialty snake breeder that offers investment quality morphs to innovative breeders who want a partner for their next project and beyond. Our mission is to share the excitement of reptiles through living art. We aim to bring people together to promote and preserve our hobby. To that end, join us as we chat with and learn from keepers, breeders and others in the reptile hobby. Language: en-us Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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EP165 - Nick Mutton: Carpet Python King
Sunday, 2 March, 2025
Nick Mutton is one of the most respected names in the world of Carpet Pythons, and in this episode of Clutch Conversations, we go deep into his expertise, experience, and unfiltered thoughts on the reptile industry. From the history and evolution of carpet pythons in captivity to selective breeding, genetics, and husbandry, Nick brings a wealth of knowledge that few can match.We also get into the state of the Morelia market, misconceptions about these incredible snakes, and what it really takes to work with them successfully. If you’re into carpet pythons, this is the episode you don’t want to miss!Hit subscribe, drop a comment, and let’s talk Morelia!#ReptileBusiness #HerpCollectorsNetwork #BallPythonBreeding #ReptileCommunity #Herpetology #ReptileKeeper #BreederSpotlight #ClutchConversations #ReptileLife #FutureOfReptilesA special thanks to our amazing sponsors for supporting the Clutch Conversations podcast! Show your appreciation by following them on social media and exploring their offerings – doing so helps keep our show thriving. Check the links below to connect with our sponsors!Follow Herp Collectors everywhere!!https://linktr.ee/herpcollectorsRegister for the EPIC!https://epic.live/Double Clutch Patreonpatreon.com/DoubleClutchPodCastAncestral Royal Pythonshttps://linktr.ee/ancestralroyalpythonshttps://youtu.be/YJ7Ex8K3po8Armless Angelshttps://linktr.ee/armlessangelshttps://youtu.be/x1XNFH2a3gwEbony & Ivory Reptileshttps://ebony-ivory-reptiles.square.site/https://youtu.be/k5mCThcR3XkGrey Rider Reptileshttps://www.shedtesting.comhttps://linktr.ee/greyriderhttps://youtu.be/v62TWdVdbzwKINOVAhttps://linktr.ee/kinovareptileshttps://www.instagram.com/jkobylka/Redline Shippinghttps://www.instagram.com/redlineshipping/Wetter Morphs Constrictorshttps://www.instagram.com/wettermorph_constrictors/https://youtu.be/G_cOBX627iYFollow our guests everywhere!!https://www.instagram.com/red_head_reptiles/Please support USARK & USARK FL!!!https://usark.org/memberships/https://usarkfl.wildapricot.org/Ancestral Royal Pythons Ad Music:"Erykah Badu/Kendrick Lamar type Beat (Change Your Mind)"Produced by Tony SwayWant to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6019263222775808