Spica Podcast  

Spica Podcast

Author: Igor Furst

The Spica Podcast brings you interviews with leading figures and experts in workforce & supply chain management. In the podcast we will explore how the top performing companies of different sizes use state-of-the art technology to unleash the power of their workforce and logistic. Professional, trending and enriching listen for CEO's, HR managers, work planners and IT enthusiasts. Any questions, suggestions? Drop us an email on
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Language: sl

Genres: Business, Management

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Episode 12
Friday, 14 April, 2023

Danes z veseljem gostimo Igorja Zorka, podpredsednika Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije in prejemnika nagrado Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije za izjemne gospodarske in podjetniške dosežke v letu 2022. Z g. Zorkom smo se pogovarjali o stanju slovenskega gospodarstva na področju digitalizacije. 


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