How Not to Start an Ad Agency  

How Not to Start an Ad Agency

Author: Tim Stiefler

Right before the pandemic hit I started an agency and holy mother of god, I didn't know what I was in for. There is so much inherent drama in starting a business, particularly a creative agency. The competition is insane. The overhead is high. Client retention is a joke. So I figured I'd share my story as it unfolds to show you what it's like to start your own thing. And of course, what not to do.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Hey Whipple Squeeze This (Luke Sullivan)
Episode 1
Friday, 3 June, 2022

Luke Sullivan is an advertising hero of mine who agreed to talk to me on the podcast. Why? I have no idea.  He's the author of Hey Whipple Squeeze This, the first book I read when starting out as an advertising creative, and one I've reread multiple times. And I don't reread anything.  Back in March he released its 6th and final edition so we discussed that, copywriting, and a branding project we were working on. His advice was so good we had to scrap months of work and start from scratch. Damn you Luke! Enjoy.


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