The Digital Marketing Secrets Show  

The Digital Marketing Secrets Show

Author: Scott Mears

Welcome to the Digital Marketing Secrets podcast! - Join an entrepreneur on his journey to answering the one question in his life... - How do entrepreneurs like us with only the money in our pocket, market in a way to get our products, services and what we believe in too the world, and then how do we convert that traffic into raving lifetime customers to become profitable?
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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When Is The Best Time To Take A Week Off To Stop Burn Out
Monday, 26 October, 2020

“The prevention is easier than the cure”. We have spoken about entrepreneur burn out quite a bit on this show. It is very real and can be detrimental to your business especially if it’s only you. I have been working 6 days a week for the whole year with no holidays, and I have started to notice the early stages of burn out, therefore I have made the decision to book the week off work. Today I started my burn out prevention week, and to ensure I have successful week I have made the hard decision to disengage from all work and social media, which includes not posting any episodes this week. I do this for my own mental health and to show you guys the importance of burn out prevention. I post 6 days a week Mon-Fri and have been for the past 2 months, and I look forward to carrying that on, from Monday (2nd Nov) next week. Have a great week, see you then!


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