French Verb Drills (French Today)  

French Verb Drills (French Today)

Problems with French verbs? This intro will give you tips on how to best use this French Verb Drills

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

When it comes to verb forms, it's always the same problem: lack of speed. You understand the tense, and when you write, you can eventually put it together. But when you speak, you stumble, hesitate, have to stop to think and "write it" in your head... It's very frustrating. These French Verb Drills are designed to help you memorize the verb forms, and the way they are pronounced in French today. The aim is not to explain the tenses, nor to help you figure out how to construct them, but to help you gain speed when it comes to saying that verb form. Make sure you first listen to the intro to make the best use of these verb drills. Transcripts, additionnal drills, and more audio material are available at (by the author of
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Boire - Futur Négatif
Monday, 1 June, 2009

The other 24 "Boire" Drills are available on Memorize this verb tense and gain speed with repetitions.


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