Informal Investigation  

Informal Investigation

The podcast that investigates, experiences, and shares interesting finds!

Author: Asher

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Genres: Education, Hobbies, How To, Leisure

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Investigation into Mansplaining
Episode 7
Thursday, 14 January, 2021

Investigation into Mansplaining  Introduce Summar Audience recommendation  How did mansplaining find us? What is mansplaining? Summar's definition? Some “formal” definitions Asher’s definition  Is mansplaining real?  What is an example? Where is the line between sharing and mansplaining? Can you be mansplaining in a debate setting? Summar’s experiences? Why do men mansplain? Do you think men get under explained? Do you think annoying talkers think of women as easy victims?  How do you think you should respond if someone is explaining things in a condescending way? Can a man mansplain to a man? Can a woman mansplain? Is the term mansplaining sexist in it of itself?  To use the word mansplain or to not use the word mansplain? Notable books: (Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit) Audience recommendation: (Branzino ) Another podcast on mansplaining - (Living experiment - Mansplaining) - This is a different podcast with a different but interesting view on the word.


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