Syphilis illnessAuthor: Ignacio Perez Toledo
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Syphilis illness
Tuesday, 27 October, 2020
Welcome to my podcast. I'm doctor Ignacio and today I'm going to talk about syphilis. First, the symptoms? These syphilis symptoms may come and go for up to 2 years. They include body rashes that last 2 – 6 weeks — often on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. There are lots of other symptoms, including mild fever, fatigue, sore throat, hair loss, weight loss, swollen glands, headache, and muscle pains. Syphilis symptoms can go unnoticed and come and go over time. So the best way to know if you have syphilis is to get tested. How can you be infected?, Syphilis is spread by skin-to-skin contact when you have sex with someone who has it. You are spread when the vagina, penis, anus, or mouth touches the sores of someone with syphilis, usually during sex. Syphilis can be spread even when there is no ejaculation. How can I be cured? It is usually very easy to kill syphilis in the early stages. The nurse or doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection; usually penicillin, unless you are allergic or unable to take it for some reason. If you are being treated for syphilis, it is very important that your sexual partners receive it as well. Otherwise, you can spread it to each other again or to other people. SO BE CAREFULL. That was today's illness.