Sportsfeld Storytime  

Sportsfeld Storytime

A weekly sports comedy podcast hosted by The Zubes (Andrew Zuber) and actor Jake Goldsbie (Degrassi, Molly's Game). This is serious stuff.

Author: Soda

A weekly sports history podcast hosted by Andrew "the Zubes" Zuber and actor Jake Goldsbie (Degrassi, Molly's Game). Each week Jake and Zubes take an irreverent look at some of the biggest moments in Toronto sports histroy with a discussion filled with all the humorous overreaction one might come to expect from passionate sports fans. This is serious stuff. Look for new episodes on Friday.
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Language: en

Genres: Baseball, Hockey, Sports

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2015 Blue Jays: David Price's First Start (Pt. 4)
Thursday, 2 January, 2025

It iiiiiiiis Sportsfeld Storytime. This month, Jake and Zubes take a trip all the way back to August of 2015 to talk about a team that doesn't get enough press, the 2015 Toronto Blue Jays. Before the bat flip, before the AL East title, before the heartbreak, the focus was on one man and his Blue Jays debut. Yes, we are talking about the one, the only David Price. Take yourself back to a Monday afternoon game in early August to a sold out Skydome and David Price's first start as a Blue Jay. In the first episode, the guys take a look at where the 2015 Blue Jays were before the Price trade, talk some run differential, and talk some Troy Tulowitzki. Sick of hearing all the ads? Subscribe to Soda Premium on Apple Podcasts to get rid of them!Follow @Sportsfeld on X! While you're there say hello to @theZubes and @JGoldsbie or reach out to the show and say hey: podcast@sportsfeld.caIf merch is your thing, be sure to check out the store: you enjoyed today’s show, please rate Sportsfeld 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts.And as always, thank you for listening to another episode of Sportsfeld.


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