Medical OrbitAuthor: Podcast
Medical Orbit podcast is exploring medical and pharmaceutical science, various healthcare topics, and how to improve disease management and overall health. The show hosts a diverse range of speakers, from top scientists, doctors and pharmacists, to reputable personas working within healthcare ecosystem, as well as patients who share their experiences with health issues. The podcast content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. All decisions regarding treatment and therapy are made by a doctor based on the individual needs of each patient. Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Science Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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[SI] Gibanje je nujno za ohranjanje zdravja
Monday, 20 May, 2024
Pogovor z Anito Jaklič, diplomirano fizioterapevtko, je nastal v seriji Skočimo na lepše. Sogovornico je gostila Petra Zajc, strokovna sodelavka Društva revmatikov Slovenije. Pogovarjali sta se o naslednjih temah: Redna telesna dejavnost kot temelj zdravja Pomen ohranjanja/upada gibalni sposobnosti Priporočila glede količine in tipa vadbe v različnih starostnih obdobjih Posledice ne-gibanja Posledice pretiravanja z gibanjem Na kaj moramo biti pozorni, ko se začnemo aktivneje udejstvovati z vadbo Priporočila in izkušnje z gibanjem pri vnetnih revmatizmih Celovit program strokovno vodenih terapevtskih video vadb za revmatike – predstavitev Revmatiki in šport SI-REU-1223-002