Countries for Kids from Case of Adventure  

Countries for Kids from Case of Adventure


Author: Karyn Collett

Have fun learning about countries with this podcast from CASE OF ADVENTURE
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Language: en

Genres: Education for Kids, Kids & Family

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#49 England Part 6 – An Audience with the Queen
Episode 49
Thursday, 31 October, 2024

On the Countries for Kids Podcast from Case of Adventure, Karyn reads the sixth and final part of the novel, “Undercover Enterprise in England” – part of England Adventure. The Gray family loves traveling the world together, exploring, meeting the local people, sampling the food and solving mysteries! They make many special friends and visit places they’ve dreamed of seeing. In Undercover Enterprise in England, the Grey family arrive in England, ready to investigate who is trying to sabotage the BBC network, and why? Computer hackers, filming of important events, and even an audience with the queen, it’s a wild ride and one that you won’t want to miss!     “I stared out the window of the London Bus, at the famous Westminster Abbey that I had seen on TV in the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate. It was so majestic with all those arches and spires on top. It made me feel quite poetic! I thought about the words of our great friend, Iain Wemyss, whom we had helped to solve a mystery in Scotland. “I received a call from an old friend of mine who is CEO of a large company in England and who has been receiving threats of sabotage. He is in desperate need of my help.” Iain had asked us to join him in England as undercover investigators. We would be posing as tourists and summer interns at the British Broadcasting Corporation headquarters in London. The famous BBC! How awesome is that? The Director General of the BBC, Mr. Garth Howard, was Iain’s longtime friend. They had studied together at Cambridge University. Mr.  Howard had asked Iain for help as he had been receiving anonymous letters threatening to sabotage the BBC network. Our job was to discover who the saboteur was and to stop him. It was a tall order, but we were always up for a challenge!” The post #49 England Part 6 – An Audience with the Queen appeared first on Case of Adventure.


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