

Author: Fuse FM Podcasts

Probably Manchester's best student-run science-themed radio show and podcast! Every episode is themed around a particular chemical element. Presenters Fergus, Carys and Joe chat about what makes each element interesting and what it is used for, as well as playing science games and interviewing real-life scientists about their research. Think science and fun repel like particles with the same electric charge? Think again!
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Science

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S1E9 - Episode #9 - Mercury
Episode 9
Friday, 17 January, 2020

Joe and Fergus chat about all things mercury and find that there's much more to it than just thermometers! It's been used since ancient times - some thought it was the key to eternal life, despite its poisonous nature. Find out more in this week's episode.


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