Wyld & Free Momma  

Wyld & Free Momma

Author: Karen Cook

Welcome to Wyld & Free Momma. A podcast promoting an unconventional motherhood movement. Where Moms are free to choose the path that feels good for YOU, not someone elses. This is unconventional journey of a Mom going after her wyld dreams - and inspiring you to do the same. Im your host Karen Cook, mom of 3, wife and creative entrepreneur. I was born ambitious and that didn't go away when I had kids. Ive taken some big leaps and risks to go after what lights me up - and the journey has been so worth it. This podcast is for dreamers - and for parents - to help you find the courage to go after what you want and have more fun along the way. In these authentic and vulnerable bite size personal stories and interviews, I hope to inspire you to make positive change in your life because motherhood can be unconventional, it's YOUR journey after all. Subscribe today! New episodes coming soon.Join the Group coaching program here: by Wyldflower Wellness thewyldflowerco.comSponsored by Green Compass Global USDA Organic CBD by: Karen Cook @ karencookcreates.comMusic by: Sonnet Simmons @
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Kids & Family, Parenting, Self-Improvement

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Season 2: Ep 2 - Creating a Summer Intention on the Summer Solstice
Episode 2
Thursday, 20 June, 2024

Happy Summer Solstice! In this powerful, short episode, I share how to craft an intentional summer season filled with whatever it is that you truly want. The goal? So you can look back on your summer with a feeling of pride that you did and felt exactly how you intended. Don't let  your summer get away without making some plans toward your ideal summer! Don't forget, you're in charge!Use this exercise anytime you need a reset of how you want the next season/month or week to go! All you need is a blank piece of paper, a pencil and your calendar.Need more support? Join our group coaching program Wyld & Free Momma - wellness is a great tool to feel  more grounded  - Start your journey here with the best CBD on the market for only $99 (buy one get one) the showThis podcast is brought to you by:Wyld & Free Momma Group Coaching (30 day program, join any month) and leave a review of this podcast and get $50 off a month of Wyld & Free Momma group coaching! Take a screenshot and DM it to @thewyldflowerco on IG Help for your nervous system!The best Organic CBD on the market - get 2 for 1 products at $99 ($244 value) with a 30 day money back guarantee: by @sonnetsimmonsDesign by karencookcreative.comFor more info on The Wyldflower Collective Elevated Community Experiences, design and branding for brands and communities visit thewyldflowerco.comThanks for listening!


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