Conversations for the Mystically Curious  

Conversations for the Mystically Curious

Author: Kismet Berlin

Conversations for the Mystically Curious is a podcast brought to you by Kismet Berlin. Host Joie interviews creators, makers and inspiring people working in the realms of esoteric spirituality, science and the arts.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Will McDowell, Renaissance Alien
Episode 2
Monday, 13 June, 2022

Welcome to Episode 2 of Season 2 brought to you by Kismet Berlin, a modern esoteric shop for the mystically curious in Europe. In this interview, Joie speaks with her dear friend Will McDowell, writer, director and producer who has worked with the likes of Miranda July, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Panic at the Disco and more.  When Will was faced with massive debt and a big question mark of where he needed to go next in his professional evolution, he took mushrooms for the first time and went on a  trip that changed his life forever. He describes a distinct moment of feeling like he was stepping into the light and shedding all that held him back. Since then, Will has managed to weave his spirituality into every aspect of his life both professional and personally: whether it be through his daily rituals, the projects he works on or how he channels his creativity. In this episode recorded in June, 2021, Will and Joie discuss psychedelics and their impact on mental health, how humans are interbreeding with aliens, being a queer man in spiritual circles and his work on the album art for Lil Nas X. Find Will McDowell @mrprincewilliam or Mooj Productions Find Kismet Berlin @kismetberlin or


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