Common Ground Attack  

Common Ground Attack

Author: Common Ground Attack

Our two minds tend to think alike, but not all the time. And we come on this show to walk, run, glide, and powerslide into mutual understanding and maybe find some common ground...
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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We're All Wrong: A Pre-Election Review (CGA Ep 09)
Episode 9
Monday, 2 November, 2020

Joshua Hefley for President - and as a Presidental candidate, we talk extensively about his opponents and how such poor choices they are. We get our pre-election jitters out in the open and discuss some of the headlines from the past month, get into our thoughts and feelings leading up to the day. Light on research this episode so do your homework if you hear us say something that piques your interest. Get out and vote (like you don't hear that enough lol)


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