The Student Experience - for iPod/iPhone  

The Student Experience - for iPod/iPhone

Author: The Open University

If you have not studied for a long time, doing an OU course can seem a daunting prospect. Find out whats really involved by listening to these students talking about how they found time for the work; some of the sacrifices involved; whether it had all been worthwhile; and the kind of help they got from their OU tutors. Despite the very real challenges of studying whilst coping with kids, jobs and real life, these people from many different walks of life testify to the great sense of achievement, satisfaction, even excitement involved in tackling a new subject and succeeding.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education

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Student views of the OU
Thursday, 15 May, 2008

OU students talking about the benefits to them of studying with the OU.


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