Kennedy Comfort's Soothing Voice  

Kennedy Comfort's Soothing Voice

Author: Kennedy Comfort

Audio scenarios of varying types, including sensual, erotic, and therapeutic. Feel free to contact me via for the possibility of custom audio recordings for your private listening.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

Contact email: Get it

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In Silence, Hotel Lobby
Episode 1
Wednesday, 12 May, 2021

Welcome to Kennedy Comfort's FIRST podcast episode. In this episode: You will enjoy a scenario of a man and a woman discreetly meeting at a hotel lobby to share time together, which starts out sensually. He takes control of her comfort, peace, and pleasure. Things go from soft and sensual to... well... you will have to listen to enjoy THAT conclusion. PREPARATION: The content is a male voice for female enjoyment. Establish the volume levels early. Make sure you have privacy, and are well hydrated. (Trust me on this one.) Dispose of any distractions, including cellphones, alarms, and pets. Get comfortable and immerse yourself in an audio treat. ATTENTION! The following should go without saying, but nonetheless: Do not attempt to operate heavy machinery while listening to this; Do not play this episode on speakers for the neighbors to report you on; AND THIS IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK. (NSFW) Enjoy.


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