The Woof Meow Show  

The Woof Meow Show

Author: Don Hanson

The Woof Meow Show, airing since 2004, is hosted by Don Hanson and Kate Dutra of the Green Acres Kennel Shop in Bangor, Maine. The show focuses on educating people about dogs and cats, their behavior, health care, nutritional needs, and their relationship with their people. Guests range from local veterinarians to authors and experts in their fields from around the US.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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Understanding, Identifying, and Coping with Canine Stress
Wednesday, 17 November, 2021

In this episode of The Woof Meow Show from October 9th, 2021, Kate and Don discuss Don’s article, Understanding, Identifying, and Coping with Canine Stress, published in the July 2021 issue of BARKS from the Guild and at


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