Nuclear Father Podcast  

Nuclear Father Podcast

Author: Jesse Slade

At this time, in our society, we see a separation from the family unit, a crumbling of family values, and a movement against fathers and fatherhood. As men, we need to restore and protect our role in the family as leaders and protectors of our family. Welcome to the Nuclear Father Podcast.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Don't just show up.. Provide
Episode 3
Wednesday, 9 June, 2021

As men, husbands, and fathers, we are providers for our families.  Here are some things we can do to not just show up but to actually fully provide for the needs of our families.  Connect with me on instagram @nuclearfatherpodcast and let me know what you think of the podcast so far.  It's new and I'm learning but I always appreciate the feedbackMusic for the podcast was provided by Heather Grey, find him on instagram @_heather.greySee you next week.


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