Shit List  

Shit List

Author: Comet Chaser's Vannett Li & Casa Gato's Carolina Pistone

Shit List is juicy, unfiltered water cooler gossip that investigates the current and future state of work. From fashion, to journalism, to airlines and the wine world, were drawing back the curtain for a no-holds barred, tell all session surfacing the twisted, the absurd, and the tired bullshit we all know too well to deconstruct and redefine what should make work work.If you would like to be a potential guest on our show please reach out to
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, Management

Contact email: Get it

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Shit List Intro Teaser
Friday, 3 May, 2024

Hello hellooooo! Very excited to intro the podcast that we have in the works called SHIT LIST. Shit List is unfiltered water cooler gossip that investigates what should make work work. Aka we will be bring on anonymous guest to for a no holds barred, tell all sesh of the crazy things that have happened to them in the workplace and use that as a platform to talk about the current state of work and explore what the future state of work could be. We will be bringing guests across industries like fashion, journalism, airlines, tech, healthcare—you name it— and from all seniority levels from entry, mid, managerial and c-suite.Shit List will be hosted by yours truly, Vannett Li, principal of Comet Chaser and my sister agency Casa Gato’s founder and creative director Carolina Pistone. A little bit about me: I’m a Cali girlie, whose earned her stripes as a New Yorker andnow living abroad in Budapest. I’m a brand & innovation strategist by trade and in my 14+ years I've been at a grand total of 6 different agencies ranging from the Big 4s, to the privately helds, and the boutiques, have (reluctantly) started my own consultancy. I’ve been scapegoated A LOT, been laid off and even fired and now am using my business Comet Chaser as a platform to experiment on how we can conduct business better.My other half and partner in crime, Carolina started at a tech startup world and hated it. She then transitioned into boutique branding, loved the creativity but hate the mindless consumerism. She identifies as an anti-capitalist so get ready for some real interesting convos ;). She's started and failed at her first agency and has now finally made the solo agency life work with Casa Gato. If we’ve peaked your interest please give our show a follow so you can be the first to know when we drop our episodes. If you would like to be a potential guest on our show please reach out to us at


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