We are Timothy Faust and Kelly Jo. We really like health policy and heavy metal. Every other-week or so we'll discuss a current-ish event we think is interesting, and a health policy or health law paper we're into. We'll also discuss a metal album and attempt to say "this kicks ass" in as many words as possible for a few minutes. Language: en-us Genres: Entertainment News, News Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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V. Cantique Lepreux: Title IX, the DeVos Death Drive, and Sexual Misconduct in Public Health
Thursday, 11 October, 2018
Oh my god, we're back again. This week, special guest and longtime Title IX professional Kate talks to us about the leaked DeVos Title IX regulations. They suck bigtime! We cover the origin story of Title IX as a tool to address sexual misconduct in universities, its development under the Obama administration, the specific ways DeVos intends to gut it, and the real rancid reactionary movement undergirding her efforts--especially her bizarre use of austerity language. Please consider rating or reviewing or whatever so we can stunt on other, shittier health policy podcasts. Thank you to Kvelertak for the use of our intro song, "Nattesferd." Thank you to our new producer Jason for making our shit sound way better than it used to. Thanks to Dr. Rhea Boyd (https://twitter.com/RheaBoydMD) for the line about racism, not race, driving health disparity. check out Cantique Lepreux here: https://cantiquelepreux.bandcamp.com/