Mother ~ lescence  

Mother ~ lescence

Author: Amy Ilic

Matrescence describes the period of becoming a mother and has similarities to adolescence, becoming a teenager. Mother lenscence explores the identity change into becoming a Mother.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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10. Pelvic Floor Health with Kim Vopni
Episode 10
Thursday, 4 February, 2021

I hope you enjoy this super informative episode with Kim Vopni AKA The vagina coach. She wants you to keep your pelvic health top of mind! She is on a mission to break through taboos and redefine how we think about women’s health. Light Bladder Leakage is NOT 'just part of being a woman'.! She wants women to know how to connect to their pelvic floor so they can overcome challenges like incontinence and organ prolapse and regain a sense of control and power in their lives. Enjoy! Really helpful shownotes on my website: Amy Ilic


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