Coffee Social | Social Media with Claudia Loya  

Coffee Social | Social Media with Claudia Loya

Author: Sweet Talk Social

CEO of Sweet Talk Social, Claudia Duran, discusses social media tips, trends, and advice for your social media marketing. Support this podcast:
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Marketing

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#PivotDontPanic | Planning for the Long Haul with Dan Peterson of FlipSwitch Social Media
Episode 7
Friday, 24 July, 2020

Claudia Loya, Lead Social Media Strategist and CEO of Sweet Talk Social, interviews Dan Peterson of FlipSwitch Social Media, a social marketing and sales training expert about how businesses can pivot during the pandemic and plan for the next six months to a year. Dan Peterson has over 20 years of experience in small business management and ownership. In 2012, he founded FlipSwitch Social Media, a nationally recognized, award-winning social media agency that helps small to midsize businesses grow using the power of social media. Dan is also a singer-songwriter acoustic guitarist who performs throughout Chicagoland on a regular basis. He is married to his wife Amy and is the proud father of three daughters (and one dog, Isabella). --- Support this podcast:


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