Parents and Friends After Dark  

Parents and Friends After Dark

Author: Ashlee Wolford

What do parents do after dark? You unwind, have a drink, bullshit, or maybe nothing and go straight to bed. But for those who stay awake and up late just to catch up on life, this is what this show is about. Ups and downs of parenthood and everything that comes with it. The chaos of managing friendships, work, relationships, mental health and your own-self. Most of us have talks we cant have with other adults because well, kids and their love of interrupting like its their job So lets roll out the shit and get to it!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

Contact email: Get it

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What should have been
Episode 2
Monday, 15 March, 2021

With help from alcohol, and social awkwardness, episode one was a free for all that probably should have been kept as a draft lol! But this short episode kinda explains what happened..


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