The Spiritual Badass  

The Spiritual Badass

Author: Erin Stabile

You are in the right spot if you need bold direct information on healing, transforming, and taking your life to the next level. Join the Intuitive Alchemist, Erin Stabile as she offers a unique twist on your spiritual awakening, healing, mindset, Akashic Records, Reiki Energy Healing, developing your intuitive and healing gifts, and leaping into the life you desire. If you are ready for some real talk and also some amazing guests who help you on your healing and life path then make sure you don't miss an episode, subscribe today! Erins mission is to help women activate their spiritual & intuitive gifts so they can embody their dreams and purpose. If you enjoy listening, I would love it if you would write a 5-star review of the show. Reviews help people find what they need so much faster. Thank You ! Follow Erin at: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: WEBSITE:
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Language: en

Genres: Alternative Health, Education, Health & Fitness, Self-Improvement

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EP 61. Dr. Katie Williams - Your Emotions are Your Guidance to Spiritual Alignment
Episode 61
Wednesday, 18 October, 2023

In this episode, Dr. Katie Williams and I dive deep into reclaiming personal power, reconnecting with our desires, and challenging societal expectations. Both Katie and I grew up internally challenging Catholic religious beliefs. They each found their own way into connecting with God, Spirit and exploring their truths while setting aside the dogmas of organized religion. Feeling like you have to show up as the mentor who is this version who is healed, has herself together, and doesn’t need anyone is a massive detriment to yourself and your clients. Feeling confident enough to ask for the help you need or want brings you back into alignment with yourself and your goals so much faster. It also alleviates the need always to KNOW what you are supposed to do; it allows you to surrender, accept help and move forward without the constant mindeffery. The importance of taking responsibility for our healing. Empowerment lies in being in charge of our own healing and growth journey, embracing your power, and exploring and finding what works for you. Doc Williams Website Doc Williams Facebook Doc Williams Instagram Connect with Erin on IG or here!


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