Insight for Living UK  

Insight for Living UK

Author: Insight for Living UK

In his down-to-earth and often humourous style, Chuck Swindoll sheds practical light on the Bible to help you understand and apply God's Word in your everyday life. More information about Insight for Living UK can be found at
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Genres: Religion & Spirituality

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Jesus...What a Gift!
Thursday, 26 December, 2024

The qualities that babies bring into the world never get old. The soft, delicate skin. The beautiful calm of sleep. The tiny hands and feet so perfectly formed. When a baby comes into our lives, we parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, or sisters rejoice in the magnificence of God’s gift of life. But how much more did the family rejoice in wonderment when the child was Emmanuel, God with us? When God took on human flesh at the birth of Jesus, He brought a wonder to the world that had yet to be seen. Dramatic acts of judgment and rescue that we find recorded in the Old Testament did not compare to the union of humanity and deity in the child, Jesus. Let’s take a closer look at this awesome gift of God to the human race.


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