Christian Comedy Chicks  

Christian Comedy Chicks

We're a hot mess, but Jesus loves us anyway!

Author: Christian Comedy Chicks

Jessica Ramirez and Laura Mae Poore are Chicks on a mission to spread some serious joy! Christian Comedy Chicks love Jesus, family and laughing at life's crazy moments. They want to help you find your joy in being yourself and loving God. Come follow the flight @ccchicks fb/christiancomedychicks
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Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion & Spirituality

Contact email: Get it

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Vicious Mouse with CCChicks
Episode 30
Monday, 2 March, 2020

We love how God made so many interesting creatures, but He doesn't love any of themĀ more thanĀ us. There are even lessons in how each of them was created and how our own inner spirit is so much stronger than we think. Thank you for listening and follow our flight on facebook/christiancomedychicks


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