Princess Recovery Program  

Princess Recovery Program

Author: Kenya Simmons & Courtney Mays

The Princess Recovery Program is a therapy session for people who live in Wonderland. Are you a princess, queen or king wondering why your dating life is a mess? Has someone called you toxic even though you were on your best behavior?! This is the Podcast for you! Therapy is lead by Kenya and her cohost Courtney. The royal court is trying to bring order to their kingdom one topic at a time. Wonderland is a safe place for dickheads and hopeless romantics. Come and join us! Contact us! Email: Princessrecoverypod@gmail Twitter:@_therecoverypod Instagram: @princessrecoverypod @_xkenya @_malik52_
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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Delusional On & Off the Clock
Episode 4
Monday, 24 April, 2023

Welcome back to another week of therapy! This week Kenya and Court have some pretty interesting topics. As always this week we have some serious Damsel's in Distress. Courtney brought some stories where the only advice we can give is to call the lord or the authorities. A special shout out to @SixBrownChicks on Twitter for having their weekly blog. The Damsel's were definitely in distress and we tried our best to help them out. Our frogs of the day this week were pretty interesting as well. We discuss being a "personality hire" vs "dependable hire". We know with being young and black in corporate they want us to be a certain way and how hard it is. With navigating through those social norms and "code switching" on a day to day basis. We also discuss "hook culture" and how it matures with age. Do the rules change now that we are older or do we still operate within the same rules from our early twenties. Is it acceptable to spend the night on a late winter night or do I need to leave? Within this topic we discuss being intimate with a casual hookup. Why isn't it acceptable to be in love for one night? Or is that delusional on another scale? As always let us know what you guys think in our email or social medias: Email: Instagram: @princessrecoverypod Twitter: @_therecoverypod Kenya: @_xkeniman_ Courtney: @_malik52_


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