The RE-Brand Podcast By: Tee Olivia  

The RE-Brand Podcast By: Tee Olivia

Author: T E E O L I V I A

The Rebrand Podcast is a self-help podcast designed to empower individuals seeking to REBRAND their personal or professional lives. The show explores what it takes to break free from old patterns, overcome challenges and step confidently into a renewed since of PURPOSE. Through thought-provoking discussions, The Rebrand Podcast equips listeners with the tools needed to navigate transitions, build resilience, and UNLOCK potential. From career pivots to mindset shifts, every episode offers practical strategies and inspiring stories to guide you towards a more fulfilling and intentional life.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Introduction of Theresa @womenwithambition. Unedited raw version of “ME”
Tuesday, 12 March, 2019

This is my very first episode, my intro! I purposely didn’t edit this version and probably won’t edit any others because I am not perfect and I want to share that with the world. I want the world to know the real me, I struggle, I laugh, I cry, all those are who I am. You can’t see the cole in my eye or how curly and nappy my hair is sometimes I would “probably” show that too; I said PROBABLY Lol. I am not perfect and this podcast is going to show what we rarely see or encounter anymore a PURE authentic struggling human beings. Also I WILL never talk about celebrities, we all have so much work to do within ourselves to be focused on what celebs are doing (just wanted to be clear on that) moving forward, I pray and hope this podcast is an enlightenment to many across the world who needs answers like I did. I am here to share as much as I can with you all. And that is all for now 🤪😉


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