Edie's Stories from the Secret Passageway  

Edie's Stories from the Secret Passageway

Author: Edie

Hi Everyone! This is Edie. I love to tell stories. In my home, we have a secret passageway, and it's where my ideas come to me. I want to share all of my creative tales with you! We'll have stories about a lot of things, but really they are all about friends.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids

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watermelon seeds, banana guy
Episode 15
Sunday, 22 January, 2023

One watermelon is upset that he's misplaced his seeds. But two friends are right there to back him up. Will they find them?  (This one I recorded on my own!) The story's a bit messy, but you'll forgive me because I am seven? xo Edie


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