What Do You Believe?  

What Do You Believe?

Author: Andrea

The question has likely come to us all, What Do You Believe? Belief is an interesting thing. It is complex. Multi-faceted. Layered with emotion, and defined by our own unique experiences, traumas, perspectives, and pain. It is a powerful and driving force in each of our lives, sometimes without even knowing it. Belief doesnt live in one box - it is all encompassing, ranging from the belief that intuition is the best decision-maker to the belief that meditation can solve the worlds most difficult problems. Whatever it is that you believe - you are welcome here.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Greer Tessler and Cara Kaufman are carving their own path in the Venture Capital Industry
Episode 10
Tuesday, 10 May, 2022

While their firm, Simple Food Venture, invests in on-trend consumer packaged goods, their story of friendship, heartache and following their intuition tells an even greater story. Join me for the latest episode of What Do You Believe?


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