Gaming Isshoni  

Gaming Isshoni

Author: Gamovics

Gaming Isshoni - building a community of inclusiveness through our shared love of games and playing together.
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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Reunited for a Game Awards 2021 prediction show
Episode 10
Monday, 6 December, 2021

After a year hiatus Gaming Isshoni is back to predict another year of Game Awards. Will Nick get his revenge this year or will Tim reign supreme again? Well that’s actually for the next episode to decide after the Game Awards later this week, but until then thanks for joining in, take your best shots and guesses as you listen along to our predictions that lead to bonus levels of tangents, stories, puns and much more as our love of games continue on. We are very appreciative of your support, so thanks for dropping by and giving us a listen. You can follow us on @gamingisshoni on Twitter and @gamovics on Instagram. Lastly, apologies to Michelle Zauner for totally butchering your name and proper credit is definitely due.


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