The Heart Of Marketing  

The Heart Of Marketing

Author: Jayme Soulati and John Gregory Olson

Despite the latest new digital marketing technology, the fundamentals of good marketing havent changed a whole lot. At its core, we still need a solid strategy. And we still need to make human connections. That is The Heart of Marketing. Join hosts Jayme Soulati and John Gregory Olson for an informative and entertaining romp through the digital marketing world today. You get an insider view of a variety of topics to help you win customers and grow sales. Some of the topics well cover include: online publishing, public relations, content marketing, social media, mobile, branding, message mapping, marketing integration, and lots more. All delivered with the wit and wisdom of two accomplished marketing pros. Meet your hosts JAYME SOULATI is president of Soulati Media, Inc. and is a message mapping master. She hails from Chicago's public relations firms and delivers strategically blended marketing based on core PR with content, social and digital. She is an award-winning blogger since 2010 and brings perspective in business since 1984. Jayme is a past president of the Publicity Club of Chicago. Find her at JOHN GREGORY OLSON has more than 25 years of B2B marketing experience in both agencies and corporations, spanning the manufacturing, legal publishing, imaging supplies, healthcare, and nonprofit industries. Over the course of his career, John has designed and implemented marketing strategies that have generated in excess of 300 million in revenue for 3M, Thomson Reuters and other global businesses. He is Past President of the Midwest Direct Marketing Association. In 2014, John was ranked #52 on Onalyticas list of the top 200 content marketing influencers in the world. He is a consultant who specializes in helping midsized business organizations grow customers and sales with integrated marketing strategies. Learn more at his blog:
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128: Develop Your Intuition for Breakthrough Business Ideas [with Bernadette Jiwa]
Monday, 5 June, 2017

Bernadette Jiwa joins The Heart of Marketing to share ideas from her new book Hunch: Turn Your Everyday Insights into the Next Big Thing. In it she busts some of the myths we believe about “creative genius” and how innovation really happens. “We covet groundbreaking ideas and the people who have them,” Jiwa writes in the introduction. “We believe in superstars and visionaries, in the power of Eureka! moments and special circumstances that set great ideas and their creators apart. But when we dig deeper, we find that the secret of these visionaries isn’t necessarily their pioneering nature, but rather that they made connections others overlooked.” The good news is that YOU can learn how to make those connections and cultivate your intuition to transform your marketing and your business. Listen in to discover how. What you will learn: •    How ANYBODY can develop the “ordinary genius” that turns everyday insights into the next big thing •    Why hunches are more important than data in coming up with breakthrough ideas •    The reasons why data and technology can actually be the enemy of insight •    Three human characteristics that fuel intuition for birthing new business ideas •    How a brand or an idea becomes meaningful (and why it’s critical to success) •    How to make your brand story much more than just a storytelling message About Bernadette Jiwa Bernadette Jiwa is a recognized global authority on the role of story in business, innovation, and marketing. She is the author of five best-selling books on marketing and brand storytelling, including: •    Marketing, a Love Story: How to Matter to Your Customers •    Make Your Idea Matter: Standing Out with a Better Story •    Difference: The One-Page Method for Reimagining Your Business and Reinventing Your Marketing •    The Fortune Cookie Principle •    Meaningful: The Story of Ideas that Fly Bernadette is based in Melbourne, Australia. She works with global brands like LinkedIn, Zappos, and Adidas to intentionally create products, services, and marketing that help them matter to their customers. She has been named one of the Top 100 Branding Experts to follow on Twitter. She also spoke at TEDx in 2012 about “The Secret to Spreading Ideas.” Her new book titled Hunch: Turn Your Everyday Insights into the Next Big Thing releases in the U.S. on June 6, 2017.


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